Friday, September 21, 2007

Good movie, not as bad some say..... - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Reviews

I remember all the hype with this movie. I remember standing in line while TV cameras filmed us. I was playing monopoly on the ground with two navy guys while waiting 12 hours for the sneak preview that showed at 12:01am. I remember thinking that is going to be the best Star Wars ever! I waited 16 years for this. I was a little disappointed but it was still very good. I hated jar jar but the story was still fairly good. I thought the ideal of Darth Vader growing was a good one but I think George sometimes sacrifices the story a little to make merchandise. He started doing that in Return of the Jedi. Ewoks were even dumber than Jar Jar. The only dumb thing about Jar Jar was his personality. The special effects were great while some touch was lost with using mostly only CGI. The thing I liked most about the movie was the waiting. There was a young girl playing Star Wars trivia behind me and a lot talk about what the next film was going to be about. There were people who never saw the original Star Wars films seeing this! It was like a free Star Wars convention that lasted 12 hours. When I waited in line for Episode II but there was not as much energy as was waiting for Episode I. The crowds of people and the sense of community and all the energy in the air was unlike anything I had ever seen. After Episode III comes out I will miss waiting in line as it has become apart of our culture. Years after the last Star Wars movie plays, we will all say we didn't know how good we had it until it was gone. Email me Website

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