Friday, September 21, 2007

George lucas is a poor director - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Reviews

This got too be one of the biggest let downs that I've ever seen. Just about everything in this movie is crab. The only good thing is the music and effects. Other than that everything is so stale. The acting is monotone, it's like most of the actors just say their horrible written lines in stead of acting them. The story is very bad written, the action is quite boring. Even though the last fight is okay it just doesn't make up for the horrible ***** that you had to go trough in the movie. Another mistake in this movie is Jar Jar Binx, What the hell was George thinking about when he wrote this character, could it have been "Damn I better turn this into a slapstick comedy, and make the character extremely annoying and constantly in this movie" Also little Anakin is in the movie, also extremely annoying al most as annoying as Hayden Christensen in Star Wars 2. Don't pay any money too see this insulting piece of *****, but then again I guess that's too late.

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